Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Book Review: Annie's Attic Mysteries #6 - The Map in the Attic - Jolyn Sharp

The book opens with a fire at the Coynes, a young family who manage to escape before the fire engulfs their home. Mary Beth, owner of "A Stitch in Time" takes them into her home and helps them get on their feet.

Meanwhile Annie finds an embroidered piece of linen in the attic and realizes it's a map. But a map of what? And who created the lovely piece?

Somehow the fire and the embroidered map, are all tied up with the history of Stony Point, a history not everyone wants known.  And who is trying to steal the map, even breaking into the museum to snatch it?

As always Annie has her friends Alice and Ian to help her.

Again, another fun book and this one heats up (get it - fire - heats up). No seriously, things get pretty tense. We also get to go on a lobster boat to look at the coastline of Maine.

I love that I get the sense of being in Maine in these books. I would love to visit sometime.

Jolyn Sharp doesn't seem to have a website. She has written a book for the Grace Chapel Inn series from Guideposts.

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