Monday, September 7, 2015

Book Review: Things I Learned From Knitting...whether I wanted to or not - Stephanie Pearl-McPhee

I want this woman's job.

This is another short, stick in your purse, read on your lunch break when you're not knitting type of books. Each entry is a page or three. She numbers them and titles them. "The 4th Thing: Everything is funny as long as it's happening to someone else", "The 12th thing: Three men can keep it secret if two of them are dead" "The 10th thing: babies grow".

One of my favorites is "The 23rd thing: There's no accounting for taste" where she tells the story of knitting in a store on a beautiful cabled sweater while one woman loudly says to her friend that cables are ugly. I won't ruin the story, but let's say that we are all guilty.

Stephanie talks about the generosity of knitters - unless there's a half off sale of yarn. What you can do on a plane if they won't let you knit. And that your yarn stash, as big as it is, is really okay. Another favorite is her very firm letter to her yarn stash.

So if you're like me and love to read about knitting almost as much as knitting, this is a nice little book to stick in your knitting bag or purse (especially if you're on a plane where they won't let you knit.)

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